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Get ready for your U.S. Citizenship Interview!

Mar 19, 2008

Today we will listen to Questions 44-45 plus M-638 comments.  You can download the Class Handout 44-45  to deepen your knowledge of US History and Politics and broaden your English language skills. Look for new vocabulary, grammar structures, and idioms. 

Note the key words--these words will help you remember...

Mar 13, 2008

Today we will listen to our eleventh practice interview from Jong-Yi Wang (Country of Birth: Korea; Country of Nationality: Taiwan).  These are simple questions are based on the N-400.  You can get a pdf. of the Simple Citizenship Interview here.  Visit us at for the show notes. ...

Mar 4, 2008

Today we will listen to Questions 42-43 plus M-638 comments.  You can download the Class Handout 42-43 to deepen your knowledge of US History and Politics and broaden your English language skills. Look for new vocabulary, grammar structures, and idioms. 

Note the key words--these words will help you remember...