Jun 17, 2016
PDF of blog post Recursos de Ciudadanía en Español http://goo.gl/eD8bpW updated 06/17/2016
Jun 13, 2016
The N-400r was revised and re-organized April 13, 2016. Part 11 Addition Info (Affiliations, War Crimes, Good Moral Character, attachment to the Constitution) is now Part 12.
Here is an updated overview quiz (27 questions) about the new Part 12.
Jun 13, 2016
The N-400r was revised and
re-organized April 13, 2016. Part 11 Addition Info (Affiliations,
War Crimes, Good Moral Character, attachment to the Constitution)
is now Part 12.
Here is an updated introductory quiz (20 questions) about the new Part 12.
Jun 13, 2016
The N-400r was revised and re-organized April 13, 2016. Part 11 Addition Info (Affiliations, War Crimes, Good Moral Character, attachment to the Constitution) is now Part 12. Here is an updated overview of the new Part 12.