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Get ready for your U.S. Citizenship Interview!

Aug 28, 2018

Before we begin, we would like to mark the passing of Senator John
McCain. in the democratic strongholds of San Jose and Milpitas,
this republican senator is held in high esteem as a warrior who
pursued peace out of his deep respect for the Vietnamese people.
His wisdom will be deeply missed.

Because it is the beginning...

Aug 20, 2018

Today we celebrate Back to School Week with an quick interview with
Felipe Toledo. Felipe is a proud father of five children, whose
daughter is currently serving in a non-combatant position in the US
Army Reserves. Let's get started!

LISTEN to US Citizenship Podcast
US Citizenship Podcast Show website

Aug 13, 2018

Applicants who used to wait about four months for a Citizenship Interview appointment are now waiting eight months or more. This weekend I received a joyful text from my long-time student, Min Hui, that she finally received her citizenship appointment
letter. (She applied in Sept 2107).  Here is her practice interview...

Aug 6, 2018

Please forgive my sudden hiatus--my father has a series of stroke
during Memorial Day and died in early in July. He was a master
teacher, and although I am devastated my his loss, I continued to
work with my students during this time.

Here is a recording with Min Zheng, a doctor from China. After her interview, the...